Offering Premier Digital
Marketing Solutions

We help home-service businesses scale reliably
with personalized digital marketing solutions.

Offering Premier Digital Marketing Solutions

We help home-service businesses scale reliably with personalized digital marketing solutions.

Need More Clients? Let Us Help.

Transform your local service business and outperform your competition with the help of our digital marketing experts.
At New Hope Creative, we use proven digital marketing methods and the latest softwares to not just drive traffic to your site, but to convert these visitors into loyal customers. We get leads in the door and guide them through their journey with your brand, cultivating relationships that lead to positive reviews and valuable referrals. Step into the future of business with us and discover untapped growth and conversion opportunities like never before.

Need More Clients? Let Us Help.

Transform your local service business and outperform your competition with the help of our digital marketing experts.
At New Hope Creative, we use proven digital marketing methods and the latest softwares to not just drive traffic to your site, but to convert these visitors into loyal customers. We get leads in the door and guide them through their journey with your brand, cultivating relationships that lead to positive reviews and valuable referrals. Step into the future of business with us and discover untapped growth and conversion opportunities like never before.


🌐 Website Design

Captivating designs that make your online presence shine.

✉️ Email Marketing

Powerful campaigns that drive conversions and engage your audience.

💬 Text/SMS Marketing

Instant, personalized messages to reach customers on their mobile devices.

⏰ Lead Nurture Follow Up Automations

Automated sequences that nurture leads and boost customer retention.

📈 Google & Facebook Ads Management

Maximize online visibility and driving targeted traffic with expert management.

📚 Digital Marketing Education Programs

Expert one-on-one coaching on the latest softwares, strategies, and techniques.

Quality leads that convert over and over again. Retention.

Don't stop at first contact. Go the extra mile by nurturing your existing customers into upsell opportunities by igniting their interest in your range of services. From generating positive reviews and valuable referrals to promoting upsells, The Client-Surge Workflow ensures all aspects of your business thrive. Deliver exceptional results across the board, enhancing customer engagement and driving significant conversions.


"Leo’s professionalism and skill made the process so easy on my end. I hardly gave him any instructions on what I kinda wanted and he knew exactly what I was looking for. It took a huge relief of my shoulders knowing one of the most crucial parts of my business was being taken care of by someone with incredible talent. Thank you again!"

~ Casey Jones

Typical Agencies

  • One cookie-cutter solution.

  • Buy before you try - no trial period.

  • Inadequate communication.

  • No industry knowledge.

New Hope Creative

  • Full-service marketing.

  • Try before you buy - two week free trial.

  • 24/7 personalized support.

  • Vast industry knowledge - we started in your shoes.

Get Your Free Home-Service
Guide To Advertising For...

Stop worrying about tech!

Generate leads and drive conversions. Strategic marketing methods establish an unwavering trust in your brand and guide your prospects seamlessly from initial awareness to sustained interest, ultimately culminating in a confident and decisive purchase.

Get Your Free Home-Service
Guide To Advertising

Stop worrying about tech!

Generate leads and drive conversions. Strategic marketing methods establish an unwavering trust in your brand and guide your prospects seamlessly from initial awareness to sustained interest, ultimately culminating in a confident and decisive purchase.

Ready for blastoff? Let's talk!

Book a consultation call. See how we can help.

Book a free call - we'll offer you advice on overcoming your marketing obstacles.

Apply for the two week free trial.

Submit an application for the two week free trial. We don't work with anyone we're not confident we can help.

Onboarding & campaign launch within 7 days.

That’s basically it. We watch your ads like hawks. There’s no time better than now – so click here and let’s start.

The Client-Surge Workflow

A proven method to drive prospects from awareness to life-long customer.

About New Hope Creative

Having led marketing for one of California's fastest-growing landscaping companies, our founder, Leo Mead, was motivated by a simple yet profound belief: a product should genuinely benefit the customer. With this core value as his guide, he created The Client-Surge Workflow —a proprietary lead generation model that significantly increases deal flow and closes more sales within just a few weeks. This automated marketing system is the cornerstone of New Hope Creative’s services. All of our solutions are custom-tailored for businesses in the home services sector, including but not limited to landscaping, moving, and HVAC companies.

Our customer results speak for themselves. Take a look.

Austin Fitness

"We never thought YouTube ads would work this great. It's has completely saved us." - Nick

CrossFit X-L

"These guys are legit. They are true YouTube masters. If you're on the fence. Just go for it!" - Justin

Frequently Asked Questions

How quickly do I get to see results with your approach?

With our comprehensive marketing system, you can start seeing results and booked appointments within as little as 5 working days. Our dedicated team works efficiently to set up your campaigns and ensure everything is ready to go.

As soon as your ads begin running, you can expect to receive appointments from interested customers. While we anticipate immediate results, it may take a few days for the specific setup we've created for your business to fully optimize and deliver consistent outcomes.

As we progress, we continuously refine your ads and messaging based on the results we observe. Our goal is to make incremental improvements to boost your overall performance. This refining process typically takes around 3 to 4 weeks, during which you'll continue to receive appointments. We aim to run a campaign size that keeps your business fully busy throughout the process.

It's important to note that your ability to handle the increased appointments and orders is crucial before we launch your personalized marketing system. We want to ensure that your business is ready to capitalize on the surge in demand and deliver exceptional service to your customers.

Rest assured, our comprehensive marketing system is designed to generate quick and sustainable results, providing you with a steady stream of appointments while we continually optimize and fine-tune for results and longevity.

Why don’t you work with gyms making less than $500k a year in revenue?

We earn when you earn. Our success is based on your success. In the past, the new flow of customers has overwhelmed smaller companies and they’ve had to switch off their campaigns while they try to handle the new workflow. Which means they stop using our services until they work out how to run their own business.

We need companies who can handle the increase in business and keep the revenues flowing.

Larger businesses – those that have exceeded the $500k mark – have already worked out how to handle larger volumes of work. Their processes are more robust. They have good people in place.

For them, handling a fairly sudden uplift in business is a matter of expanding what they already do – rather than having to learn it all from scratch.

No matter where you operate, the business is all there. We want to work with clients who can handle it.


Why must I qualify before I can work with you?

Small companies with only a few years of experience will not be able to handle the leads we send them. 

We’ve seen it before. T

hey become overwhelmed. And so they have to switch off their ad campaign, regroup and try to work out how to handle this new situation. 

Which means our services are no longer required for a while – which isn’t good business for us.

Whereas bigger companies have already got things in order. 

Even if the new flow of leads is initially tough to handle, they’ll quickly adapt because they’ve already worked out their best processes, they already have good people in place… They simply need to upscale what they already do. 

Big businesses don’t have to learn how to be bigger – they just have to expand their current set-up.

We earn our money when our efforts are earning you your money. 

Small companies switching everything off because they’re overwhelmed doesn’t help our bottom line. Our growth is tightly bound to yours so as new business comes in… we want to be sure you can handle it.

What if you work with a competitor in my area, won’t that hurt my business?

That won’t happen. 

Before we take on a new client we make sure they’re right for us. In other words we first qualify them (just like we qualify new clients for you).

Part of that qualification is: do we already have a client in the area you operate in?

We routinely refuse to take on clients because their business competes with an existing client’s business. 

So rest assured: if you are our client then we will not take on a new client in your area of operation. 

Unleash the Power of Client-Surge with our Risk-Free, 14-Day Trial. No Strings Attached, No Hidden Costs, Pure Growth Potential.

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